Sunday, May 26, 2013

Michael Todd True Organics: First Impressions! (Honey and Oat Gentle Deep-Pore Cleanser)

I was resolved to switch up my skincare last week, so I decided to try out two Michael Todd products, I've been using Proactiv since middle school, and I wanted to try something different, and preferably, more natural. Because natural (damn it, why is there no cursive font) is always good, right? Well, for the most part, Proactiv works for me. It keeps the texture of my skin nice and smooth, and it keeps most of the small clusters of little acne that I get at bay. I normally don't get a lot of those annoying tiny blemishes with this regimen, if any, but I do get those big, painful, cystic acne lumps of hell. I'm not really looking for something to be a miracle product in preventing that, as I don't necessarily care about being completely acne free to the extent that a lot of people do. It's nice to have great skin, but I'm definitely not one of those people who just can't bear the thought of someone seeing my face on a bad skin day.

Break down of my skins (aka kind of concerns; what I'm considerate of):

~*I have Oily skin, but it's dry at the same time.
                      --It can look really dry a lot of the time, but it doesn't feel tight. It can also get kind of
                      peely, or chaffy, even on my nose.
                      --If I use something really gentle or just water, my skin doesn't get tight, and it doesn't get
                      very oily either.

~*I get really dark hyper pigmentation.
                      --I have scars, still, from literally years ago.

~*I have two large patches of pores which are constantly filled with pus (nasty...)
                      --One on my nose, one on my chin. 

~*I'm pretty acne prone
                      --Tiny watery ones (only when I'm not using Proactiv) and cycstic acne

~*I don't have sensitive skin.

~*Benzol peroxide works well for me in preventing acne. 

~*Salicylic acid works pretty well in speeding up the healing process. 

~*I'm young.
                      --I'm only 19, I swear. 

I don't know if that's kind of excessive, but I figure, skin concerns are what makes the post relative to the readers for skincare reviews. 

The first product I decided to try is: 

First off, the smell is very citrusy, and it's pretty strong. I don't particularly like the scent, but it doesn't annoy me as much artificial scents, which this claims not to have. It kinda makes me feel like I ate something, but... I didn't. The scent didn't linger. I didn't need much product, probably a little more than half a pump.

Secondly, the consistency of this cleanser is very similar to any regular antibacterial handsoap, except it's a little smoother because it doesn't lather. And yes, it didn't lather at all for me, as there's no sulfate in it. It doesn't bother me whether a cleanser lathers or not, personally, so this isn't a problem for me. I actually like that it doesn't lather, because it feels more moisturizing, it's less messy, and it won't get into my eyeballs when I'm working on my forehead. Even though it's sulfate free, therefore safe to get into the eyes, or at least nonirritating, I can't imagine something going into my eye ever being a pleasant situation.

Thirdly, I read a few reviews, after I received it (cause I'm cool like that), and I read that this was product could be really drying for the first few uses, even with a moisturizer, so I was looking out for that. I found the opposite to be true for my skin. It's very moisturizing, and it left my skin very dewy in the way that it looked and felt, but not to mean sticky. My skin felt nice and clean afterwards, but not in anyway dry.

Fourthly, when applying my moisturizer, the Aveeno Clear Complexion one, it felt like I was applying a different moisturizer. Possibly because my skin was already hydrated, the Aveeno applied so much more smoothly, and sunk into my skin better. This moisturizer is kind of on the thick side, so when blended too much, or applied too heavily, it tends to kind of ball up and not feel very nice. But after using the Honey and Oat Cleanser, it just glided right over my skin as if my skin was still really damp or wet, but sunk in even quicker than when dry. This probably sounds totally pitchy, but it was like a whole new moisturizing experience, it was such a noticeable difference. And honestly, I have no reason to be pitchy. 

And lastly, when I woke up in the morning, there was no redness or irritation of any kind in my skin. I realized recently that face was not only darker than the rest of my body, but had a lot more red in it, as well. As I touched on earlier, I don't really pay that much attention to my skin. This is part of why I wanted to change up my skincare; because the redness makes my face look even darker than it is, which makes matching face makeup that much more difficult and annoying. I thought that the Proactiv regimen might have been causing it, so I've been waning off of using to see if the redness in my skin would decrease, and it did. So I'm glad that this product doesn't just do the same thing. My skin still felt very hydrated when I woke up, but not overloaded with moisture. My oil level is pretty much the same as usual, if anything, just a tiny bit less. My skin still looks and feels slightly dewy and nice, it's not dry or flakey anywhere. 

Packaging: In the picture above, the cleanser is locked, so no product comes out if you press down on the pump. However, the only way that I've found to lock it again after opening it, is to unscrew it and place the spout of the pump in front of the opening of the bottle (as to not waste product), press the pump all the way down, and turn it clockwise. The 'locking mechanism,' as far as I can find, is basically just screwing the top of the pump into the base. So basically, I really hate that. I'm constantly staying overnight at my sister's house, so I need this thing to lock. In the grand scheme of things, I could just put the product in a separate bottle that closes securely, but I feel like everything else with a pump can lock just by turning it to the side. It's really inconvenient. But honestly, the bottle is huge, so it's not even convenient for travelling anyway. And also, I did notice that there was product coming up and on to the stem/neck thing as well, so I don't know if that's going to cause problems with additional leakage to the 'no, I don't lock' issue, but hopefully it's fine. 

Screw under the pump

It screws into here, and this is where the product can come up a little bit

Overall: based on this first usage, I do really like this cleanser. It's not life changing or anything, but I'm not looking for it to be.. It's a huge bottle, a lot of product. I'm not sure how this is gonna be a 'deep pore' cleanser, though, because it feels like a normal soap. And because I have those two patches of infinite grossness, I think I'll really be able to tell whether it works or not.The only immediate gripe I have with this is the packaging. A concern that I currently have is that with Proactiv, regardless of when the product is supposed to expire, there is a noticeable decrease in efficiency around six months after starting to use it. It basically fights acne as well as if I were to just slap water on my face and throw on some moisturizer. So with this bottle being so huge, I'm hoping that it doesn't just stop working before I'm done with it. This could probably just be prevented by dividing the product into separate containers, It says that it's supposed to last eighteen months after opening. I'll see how that goes, since it's mostly organic...... I don't know. 

And damn girl, this post is long, so the Lemon AHA + DMAE Toner first impression, the second product, will be in a separate post. 

I also got  20% off my purchase with the code: acnefree

Rubber Ducky... you're so fun!

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